Aids physical healing and emotional healing of the body and heart.
This is designed to bring our consciouness to a level of connecting to our higher self.
The oils in this blend create a feeling of expansion and comfort to aid the release of anxiety.
This blend triggers soul memory or a sense of being pulled out of the physical for a moment through high vibrational oils.
These oils are connected to the heart chakra to aid allowance of what is occuring around us.
The main oil in this blend is an ancient one connected to the sensual aspect of human beings.
This is the one I use all the time and has four highly vibrational oils used in many cultures that have a focus on meditation and healing.
The oils in clarity are earth based notes that ground us as well as ones that uplift through a citrus blend.
These are mainly citrus oils with a touch of earthy notes to balance, designed to wake us up.
I use this for my tarot cards or to clear a space.
This is the classic creation of protection from psychic attack.
This, is my childhood, the smell of Lupins from Falls Creek.
This blend insights forgiveness on a deep level with oils that resonate with the heart chakra.
This is the strangest blend I have created and one that triggers the deepest recesses of some earth elemental ancient memory
I had help with this one more than the others.
To be safe I recommend that if pregnant use only this blend to help relax and refresh while pregnant.
This is simply like being hit with a breath of fresh air, or stepping out into the sun. This took me a while to create, because one ingredient was missing, which was dropped into my mind one afternoon, Orange, and it was complete.
This is not clarity as in wake up, but as in seeing clearly what we block.
My first spiritual experience is linked to this oil, a scent that every time I spray, I reconnect, which is what these oils will do for you, and you will 'find your own' signature link.
A scent with the essential oil, sage, but also one that connects with experiences where everything links together and makes sense.
I knew this spray would come to me like a flash, after I made Earth, and it did, in fact it took seconds and was literally dicatated to me, (bossy and pedantic guide that he is), and is now my favourite.
Summer, Winter, Autumn and Spring, four blends that are what they are, the element of Gaia's changes
I create vibrational sprays that help connect with a fifth dimensional, open and connected consciousness through the vibration oils and their scent. I work with essential oils from the Oil Garden range, a brand I have used for decades, and distilled water, which I charge with light and crystals. You may think it is a waste of time bothering with all the effort, but it has now been proven that water holds memory, that it has a positive and negative charge which activates healing. This element also interacts with light and can be charged with color frequency. Water has the ability to transfer and communicate information, and if you don't believe me then watch the clips below.
I am not a scientist, which means some of my explanations may seem simplistic, but I love science, almost as much as spirituality and water is certainly an element we take for granted. Add essentials oils from Mother Earth to this and these sprays will give one a sense of peace or revitilsation, if that is what is needed. They have always shifted and uplifted me over the many years I have used them. I always have a spray in my bag, and when I work with energy I use it to clear my cards, and the space I read in, to shift any heaviness.
The cost is $20 retail and available at The Little Speckled Hen in Hurstbridge for a 50ml amber glass bottle and I do infuse the water with a great deal of oil drops, which means you can keep adding water to your bottle every time it is half full and it will still be as strong, although it will not maintain the same vibration. I also sell these at markets and during readings or workshops as they are essential to our healing and growth, as well as great to use when working as a healer.
1) Everything is energy and vibration. If you don't believe me, then watch the clip I have on my Sirian Page under Articles called 'We Are Vibrational Beings'.
2) Energy has a signature, especially the energy of plants, which connects to us through our bodies, through ingestion, or through breathing in the distilled oil from plants.
3) The vibration held within the molecules of oil delivered through the spray, connect to us through osmosis via our skin, which then triggers a reaction, not only in our bodies, but in the auric field.
4) This connection also works with memory, triggered by the scent in the oils, which facilitates a kind of release, be that emotional, physical or spiritual, or, all three.
5) Water is a carrier of information. It transfers the energy of the prescious plant, into our field of energy where the information settles and does it's work, sometimes without us even knowing it.
So, I would not sell these just anywhere. In fact, they have chosen their own home, where they will be taken care of, where the energy will be treated as sacred and pure and where the women in the store are themselves, beautiful light beings, in human form.
804a Heidelberg-Kinglake Road
Hurstbridge, Victoria
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