Through this workshop you will gain a deeper understanding of tarot, of the Archetypes and how they are relevant and work in our lives as a collective.
I will also teach you how the cycles and phases of the Archetypes work within us all and how to shift these lessons into a higher vibrational energy of understanding.
This will involve a great deal of material presented regarding the metaphysics on how our Universe is set up, and how 'they' work with us when we read tarot. It's all about understandng the energy behind it all, this I can teach you as I have been taught by Rama and Kachina.
On a more practical level this course will give you a deeper understanding of exactly how the Minor Arcana truly affects our daily lives, and how they shift the lessons in the Major Arcana, which allows us to take the path of least resistance.
This will include looking at the elements we have on this earth and the ways in which this translates through tarot. I will delve deeply into how metaphysics specifically relates to the Major Archetypes and how the lessons manifest in the physical dimension.
This advanced course is a step up in vibration regarding the purpose of tarot, creating an understanding that links us with our higher purpose.
Tarot can help us remove blocks and reduce the constant drama which can take hold of our lives when we have a limited perspective. This is what I can teach you. There will be a great deal of practice, discussion, conversing and swapping interpretations and experiences, plus energetic work and reading auric fields.
It is my aim to help you connect directly with your higher self and guides, for the purpose of becoming an empathic tarot reader. I will teach you how the communication comes about, what it feels like when it is from another source, and how to get past the self doubt through understanding the subtle energies of other dimensions. If you have attended the Beginners Tarot Workshop this will build on that and develop your skills as an empathic reader and delve into metaphysics and apply this to what we already know.
The great advantage of learning tarot in the crystal warehouse owned by Elisabeth and Alan, is the energy, the vibration from the crystals. This can only enhance our learning and I am sure that we will have company in the form of our guides and other beings, which tend to come in for me even when the focus is not a reading. I will guide you through the process of connecting because although we can read the symbolism in it's pure form, it can be helpful to connect with what we cannot see as well, because as I now understand it, Believing is Seeing. Let's change the paradigm together.
For a sample of my work and the journal, visit the Tarot Book Menu.